Monday, November 30, 2009

Bon Iver or Let's Retire to the Countryside and Make Some Music

I have been talking about this guy the whole year: how he suffered countless life changing events that made him retire into the mountains of Maine to seek self recovery, how he only communicated with one person during his time in the cabin and perhaps most importantly how isolation, distress and mental suffocation gave birth to one of the most beautiful albums I have heard in a long time: For Emma, Forever Ago.
It's all there: it's beautiful imperfections (hisses, creaks, hollow echoes of sound), it's melancholic comfort, it's obscure optimism. Bon Iver (a variation of the french expression for "good winter") is the product of Justin Vernon a terrific musician formally of DeYamur Edison. Many of the people that I've recommended Bon Iver to, have been looping the song below in their ipods or their morning drive, I recommend you purchase the entire album ($9.99 on Itunes and even cheaper if you buy on LaLa, which is my favorite online musical store for independent music), pick a long and cool afternoon, settle quietly in your favorite place of comfort and find out for yourself why every major music critic was all over Bon Iver this year.


  1. thanks for the tune... just so happens to already be in my ipod and it is in the low 50s today. .

    Definitely a unique sound.. very pleased.

  2. I love this song... the album is fantastic. En effet, il s'agit d'un vrai bon hiver.
