And we're back. After a very very long break, No U Turns is back on the interweb. During this long period of meditative transition, NUTA will be going through a small but necessary surgical procedure. While NUTA will not lose it's intended contextual nature, it will accommodate itself to offer better content and enhance it's visual appeal. With this in mind, we present the following schedule:
Mondays: Don't Turn that page: Authors and Books
Tuesdays: Turn the Music Up (kind of self explanatory)
Wednesdays: Read This Blog Dude.
Thursdays: In the Eye of the Beholder, artistic considerations.
Fridays: What a Cliche! A look at popular culture
Saturdays: The Chatterbox Room, a weekly discussion of fresh topics
Sunday: And on the 7th Day he rested, views on religion and spirituality
This said, NUTA's goal is to increase it's readership from 4 (thanks Felix, Amaru and those two other icons without pictures in them) people to about 100 by the end of September, however this will not be possible without the help of... well you.
Ok, so enough self therapy and let's get to work!